Forensics point to second shooter in Trump’s Assassination Attempt

Second shooter will prove inside job.

I’m going to rant a little using my conspiracy theorist mind to give you my opinion on the events surrounding President Trump’s Assassination Attempt.

 With all the evidence on YouTube being analyzed by experts in their field and my belief that the government never tells the true story of historical events as Pearl Harbour, JFK and 911 especially. I have drawn my conclusion on the event of Trump’s assassination attempt. 

The ties to Black Rock to the shooter and the stock options placed the day before (that would have made that company billions) would probably explain the offshore numbered accounts (3) that the shooter owned and would explain how he was able to get the things he needed for making bombs, drones, several cell phones (plus the burner phones that were traced to the shooters home as well as FBI headquarters,) and other things like a photo with the CEO and the shooter, plus the appearance of the shooter in a promotional video that was pulled from airing tge day after the attempt, etc

The fact that the shooter was a shitty shot according to the gun club he was a part of, and supposedly was kicked out of, suggests to me there maybe more than one shooter. I could never figure out why the first shot was dead on, but all other shots missed by as much as 30 feet left of The President. My hypothesis is this. There is new video showing a flash (presumably from a rifle) in the window just below the shooter taken from inside the building (this is also backed up by feresnic analysis of the sounds from no less than 6 different positions throughout the grounds). The first shot is slightly muffled (from inside building), and the others are different, slightly as they came from Crooks. That actually explains why the first shot was dead on and the others (from Crooks) are off their mark. If he was such a good shot, why wasn’t he able to shoot The President as he grabbed his ear, then dropped to the ground? Because he was a terrible shot, that’s why.

Now, supposedly there were snipers stationed inside the building next to where the shooter was, and ironically enough, one of the injured persons in the stand checked his camera and realized that he has footage of the shooter (Crooks) running across the roof , slightly right of those windows, standing straight up and sprinting across to the other side presumably to where the backpack was found, then he popped his head up to where he took his shots.

Why wasn’t he seen by the snipers inside? Did they look the other way, where they even there (it was said they left their post to search for Crooks), very convenient.

There is also footage now of someone in black on the water tower with a supposed blast from a rifle ( for the record, I saw this footage over a week ago, not sure why it has taken so long to be included as a possible shooter, as the man who was killed in the stands, was he not to the left of The President? If so, why was he even hit (as he was at least 30 feet to the left) however, if the shot from the water tower was actually taken, and he missed, that line of fire put the killed spectator in line with that shot. Earlier in the week it was said there was a Zipline on the back of the tower that the sniper used to escape, supposedly in a black SUV? I never heard anything from the powers that be about this, and that story appears to be disappearing from search engines.

This covers the shooters, however, the lapse in proper coverage of the USSS, and the building somehow was not in the perimeter (even though, if you drew a full circle around the perimeter, that building did fall within, however, the perimeter looked like PacMan,with the shooters building being at the tip of the mouth and the throat was at the fence line of the spectators with the triangle of the mouth leaving it wide open for the shooter/s to get a clear shot without spectators being in the line of fire (from the lower window), now that I think about it, prior to the shooting, approx. 5 minutes before the shots rang out, their was a security guard removing people from the fence line (directly in front of the supposed second shooters window).

The other lapses of the USSS and other law enforcement smells like an inside job, but I won’t hold my breathe with the FBI investigating, considering they have been spying on the former President since he announced running back in 2015 (Obama made the order), and now we are to believe they will do a sound investigation? As there is evidence linking the FBI and the shooter (through an independent investigation of the cell phones used near or from the shooters house to the FBI) with at least 9 different devices over the last couple of years. You can judge for yourself, give an open mind and whatever you do, don’t believe a word from the government agencies involved.

Again, this is just my conspiracy theorist mind at work, but lately, the difference between a conspiracy theory and the truth is about 6 months!

Thanks for listening.