If I wanted world domination, what better way to start than by thinning out the herd with a release of a Virus that would and did cause a worldwide Pandemic? Of course, only a madman would release should a thing without a REAL Vaccine (not the supposed Jabs they are forcing us to take), for which I believe that he has, and always did have. Why else would all traces of the early virus samples be destroyed before investigations even started, and then withholding any and all information pertaining to the actual origin of the said virus?
why is Justin (Adolph) Trudeau allowed to call people Nazis, but I am not? I don’t like that N word, no more than you do, but you allow him to use it daily, including calling another MP a supporter of Swastika waving protesters even though she is Jewish and her parents are survivors of The Holocaust!
Looks like 2022 will be 2020 too! The first person that Rebel news helped with fight the fines, Pastor Artur Pawlowski, when Calgary Police fined him $1200 for feeding the homeless on the very cold streets of Calgary. Since that time, they have gone out of their way to make his life a living hell, …
And not only this, but we are also taking our advice from someone who sits on the board for The W.H.O. https://www.who.int/about/who_reform/emergency-capacities/oversight-committee/theresa-tam/en/ Dr. Theresa Tam, now it is starting to add up why this country is making so many death-causing mistakes, China runs W.H.O. Here is a report from Rebel News
Here’s a list that I have tried to fact check as much as possible, all links should relate to the statement being made. -Your minister of finance engaged in insider trading – should be a 10-year sentence. You blew the Asia Pacific deal. -You blew the helicopter deal with the Philippines. -You blew the pipeline …