Get off your knees!

Our Pussy Leader taking a knee against the establishment!

This cancel culture BS has to stop, NOW! Get off your fucking knees (Justin Trudeau), you took a knee with rioters who want to take over the establishment, yes, you are the establishment, dumbass! You are as fake as they come, it was a photo-op, at best. Just like your are not a feminist (remember …

Psycho has returned!

Not my real ex!

I thought after all these years she would have figured it out, but no, still getting messages through Facebook, with a quote from song lyrics (must have forgotten her meds that day, again). Saying something about her daughters chin, which looks like her chin? Actually, all her features are her mother’s, but alas, I digress. …

Ball runs away!

Dumb and Dumber

So, after almost 5 years of hypocrisy, Dwight Ball is stepping down (forced out by his own caucus). This SOB came into power and did an about-face on just about everything he promised, he removed 2% off the HST, only to put it back a short time later. Came up with a budget that only …